Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX
Jenni Winter
April 6th, 2020
Meet Jenni Winter. I grew up in a Christian family, going to church anytime the doors were open! I made the decision to accept Christ at the age of 9. However, I would definitely say that I've been mi...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
Judy Richmond
April 6th, 2020
Meet Judy Rishmond. God’s love had always eluded me. I grew up in a family where love was not expressed. This was further exacerbated by attending a church and affiliated school where acceptance and l...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
A Devo From Scot - Psalm 23
April 6th, 2020
Church Family,Drawing near to Jesus in a time like this is an uphill battle, simply because it always is. I hope that encourages you. Even in a time of restricted movement and gatherings, our flesh wi...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
Palm Sunday - Grief, Hope and Promise: A Love Story
April 5th, 2020
Grief, Hope and Promise: A Love StoryToday, Palm Sunday, is the beginning of Passion Week, Jesus’ last week of ministry before His death and resurrection. Some of our more liturgical brothers and sist...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
A Devo & Letter From Pastor Scot
April 3rd, 2020
Dear Church, I have been consumed lately, as we all have, with significant concern for you, our city and our world. I confess this concern has slipped into worry and anxiety more often than I would li...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
10 Ways to Combat Anxiety
April 2nd, 2020
By Dr. Dustin Ellis, Licensed Counselor What is Anxiety? Before we can properly fight against anxiety, we must understand it. The root issue of anxiety is feeling being out of control. When we feel an...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
Survival Tips for Parenting Under Quarantine
April 2nd, 2020
By Candy Burden, Children's PastorOkay. Let’s face it, we’re officially in Crazy Town! Schedules and routines have been thrown out the window and we’re all struggling to come up with a new normal. Par...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
Your Giving Matters
April 2nd, 2020
Dear Church Family,Last week I “attended” a national online summit for church leaders on the current coronavirus crisis. Topics like virtual community and communication were extremely helpful. The cur...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
Seeing the Future - Getting a Glimpse of Your Teen as an Adult
March 31st, 2020
By Rick WilcoxActs 13:1–13 (ESV)13 Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarc...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
The Best Laid Plans
March 31st, 2020
By Don OrtolanoI normally write about memories of my childhood in New York. This is not a memory, yet it feels very much like a life lesson. In many ways, what I talk about here will, one day, be a me...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
COVID-19 and Citizenship
March 27th, 2020
By Greg & Michelle We are sure we can speak for all of us in saying that last several weeks have been surreal. The Coronavirus has upended life as we knew it. Every aspect of our lives has been impact...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
Psalm 42 - A Lament Psalm of an Isolated Believer
March 27th, 2020
By Evelyn Tarbell Psalm 42 is one of my “go to” psalms when I am discouraged or anxious.  This psalm is written by someone who is feeling cut off; he’s isolated and he ultimately turns to God for comf...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
A Peace That Surpasses All Understanding
March 27th, 2020
Philippians 4:6“The Lord is Near! Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace that surpasses all ...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
Establishing the New Norm of Your Marriage
March 27th, 2020
Establishing the New Norm of Your MarriageBy Andrea and Gavin CarrierHow often can something happen that if you were to ask your parents or any older couple, “have you seen anything like this before?”...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
A Devo & Letter From Pastor Scot
March 27th, 2020
Church Family, It seems like much of the world is on a forced Sabbath rest. Many of us are still working, but many are not. In this time, you are receiving a lot of communication. And without being in...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
A Devo & Letter From Pastor Scot
March 26th, 2020
Dear Church, COVID Pandemic, Day 17. The world continues its forced sabbatical and we are continuing to adjust to ministry, connection, worship, discipleship and prayer in this time of social distan...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
A Call to Prayer
March 21st, 2020
Church Family,I hope you’re doing well at home as we all hunker down during this strange time in our world. I want to encourage all of us to take this time not only to strengthen our family relationsh...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth
A COVID-19 Update From Pastor Scot
March 18th, 2020
Dear Church,There are times that define people. I believe we are in one of those times. But make no mistake, we are in it together. What is more, infinitely more, we are in it with Jesus. He has never...  Read More
by Lydia Wohlgemuth



