Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

How Do We Use Our Gifts?


READ: James 1:22-25
My family started attending Faith Bible Church in the late spring, almost at the end of the school year. After attending for a few weeks, my wife and I noticed a sign in the preschool area asking for summer volunteers. Faith Kids likes to give the regular teachers and helpers a much-deserved break over the summer by forming a group of summer substitutes.

Because we would be working with children, we had to undergo background checks and training. Still, we felt this volunteer opportunity would be an easy way to get more connected to the church and help out simultaneously. That summer, I ended up helping manage a room of kindergarteners, sharing a lesson that was prepared for us, but mostly playing and watching over a group of fun-loving kiddos. This was just one of the many ways we found to serve in our church community.

Starting something new can be daunting, but remember, many great leaders in our church are standing ready to help members of the body get plugged in to begin serving. So many little things happen around the church that many of us rarely consider. I want to highlight some of the ministries you could get plugged into and how exactly you can do so.
First, you need to spend time with God. Pray and read His Word. Ask where you should connect in the church and study the paths of those who went before you in Acts or the exhortations of Paul in Romans, 1 Timothy, and Ephesians.

Next, grab a coffee with some godly people in your life and ask where they think you should contribute to helping the church. It can be amazing to see the insight others have into your life and how they can guide you in your journey of service.
Then, after spending some time with God and other godly people, consider an assessment if you still don’t know your gift, like the one found at Make sure you answer about who you are and how you feel, not who you would like to be or what you think you’re expected to feel.

And finally, you need to step forward and let the church know you’re ready to serve. There are many ways to do this. The two most straightforward ways are in person or online. When you attend the worship service on Sunday mornings, you can visit the Welcome Center outside the aisle doors. You can fill out a Connect Card at that Welcome Center, and a volunteer with that ministry will contact you. If you prefer to look into this online, go to, which has much more information on service opportunities.

Personal Reflection

Have you taken an assessment of your spiritual gifts? If not, try it now. The answers might surprise or challenge you. Be open to a new adventure.
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1 Comment

Trenda - August 15th, 2024 at 7:36am

God is so faithful! I love seeing Him nurture, encourage and provide opportunities to use my spiritual gifts over the years. It is a journey that He has taken me on step by step as I let Him. It can be scary, but it's glorious seeing what He does!