Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

local missions

Making an eternal difference in our city for Jesus.

Our Local Missions Ministry is dedicated to serving our neighbors in ways that utilize volunteers, finances, and other resources to meet their spiritual and physical needs. We partner with established local ministries and agencies to maximize our impact for the gospel. Below are the ministries that we engage with as a church family. Take a look to see how you can partner with us in serving our city.

Questions? Contact Tammy Ford.
(Under Giving Type, Select "Missions Fund")

City Serve 2025

City Serve is an opportunity to take grace to our community. On Saturday, March 29, we're partnering with local ministries to participate in family-friendly service projects. Browse the projects below and sign up for a project individually or with your family, friends, or small group. 

On Mission - March

Join us individually, with your family, small group, and/or friends as we serve our city throughout the month!
Food Drive
Drop off grocery items for Nourishment for the Needy in the foyer at our Missions wall. 
City Serve
City Serve is an opportunity to take grace to our community. On Saturday, March 29, we’re partnering with local ministries to participate in family-friendly service projects. Browse the projects here and sign up for a project individually or with your family, friends, or small group!
Blood Drive
We will have a mobile Blood Drive in the Faith Bible parking lot at City Serve, Saturday March 29. Register here, then donate at your designated time. 

Upcoming Events

PRAY AT 5:50

Join us in praying for Faith Bible & Missions at 5:50 am/pm.

Our Local Partners

Pray. Give. Go!


The ESL classes at Faith Bible helps those new in town to develop their English. These classes are open to anyone in our community. Learn More »

Ways You Can Serve:
  • Help teach an ESL class
  • Become a Language Coach

Bridges Women's ESL Bible Study

Bridges is a community for international women. We practice English and build relationships while studying the Bible. All nationalities and faiths are welcome to join us! Bridges meets at the church every Tuesday at 10am-12pm. For more information, contact Joanne Imwalle.

Ways You Can Serve:
  • Become a prayer partner

Sewing Seeds

Faith Bible’s Sewing Seeds ministry is an opportunity for you to use your sewing skills (no matter the proficiency) for local and global missions.

Ways You Can Serve:
  • Sew with us on Wednesday mornings at Faith Bible Church
  • Sew independently on specific projects
  • Pray for mission projects

Pregnancy Assistance Center North

PACN is a non-profit clinic that serves the women in our community by offering well-woman visits, as well as pregnancy services for women and/or couples. We also offer spiritual services. Most importantly, we always desire to protect the unborn. Visit Website » 

Ways You Can Serve:
  • Pray wisdom and discernment for our clients, their families, and our staff
  • Volunteer as a Client Care Manager, Nurse, Spiritual Mentor
  • Serve at PACN’s thrift store

Prison Ministry

 Faith Bible’s Prison/Jail Ministry provides faith-based classes weekly for Prison Officer and Inmates, Church services in local prisons/jail as well as life-skills training, mentoring, and discipleship.

Ways You Can Serve:
  • Serve at a Sunday morning service or weekly classes
  • Join us in Prison Officer Programming, G5 Inmate Programming (worst of the worst), our 4-day retreats - Kairos (in prisons), Jubilee (in jails), and Walk to Emmaus (for our Volunteers)

Young Life

Young Life builds authentic relationships with unchurched teenagers, shares the Good News of Christ, and disciples teenagers which includes drawing them into the local church. Visit Website » 

Ways You Can Serve:

Nourishment for the Needy

Nourishment for the Needy is a faith-based food and clothing panty that is sharing God’s love with others and meeting their physical needs. Visit Website »
Ways You Can Serve:
  • Pick up from food banks/stores or deliver food bags
  • Sort food and clothing
  • Assemble Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets

Operation Christmas Child

OCC collects and delivers shoebox gifts to children in need around the world. Each box is followed by an opportunity to disciple the child/family throughout the year. Visit Website »

Ways You Can Serve:

Reflective Media Productions

RMP shares the gospel through movies, short films, TV shows, and more. At the touch of a button, we can be around the world sharing a message of hope, healing, and restoration through Christ. Visit Website » 

Ways You Can Serve:
  • Assist in fundraising events
  • Pray the messages of hope and healing in Jesus will continue to spread worldwide
  • Volunteer to support a project at community events or on social media

Giving Tree

Giving tree provides gifts for Faith Bible single families to make their Christmas brighter.

Ways You Can Serve:
  • Provide gifts and pray for single family homes
  • Donate gift cards for gas & groceries 

Grace School of Theology

GSOT is committed to developing spiritual leaders in every nation who can teach others about the love of Christ, a love that cannot be earned and cannot be lost. Visit Website »

Ways You Can Serve:
  • Participate in any of our numerous Bible Studies (on campus or online)
  • Pray for ministers/pastors listed on GSOT’s website
  • Pray for students who are preparing for ministry

Angel Reach

Angel Reach assists young adults who have aged out of foster care a safe place to live as they transition into independence. Angel Reach also assists families who care for children who would otherwise be in foster care. Visit Website »

Ways You Can Serve:
  • Volunteer at Angel Loft resale shop or donate items. Sign up here.
  • Angel Reach has an ongoing Amazon Wish List. Click here to purchase items sent directly to Angel Reach.
  • Mentor youth or young adults
  • Teach a Life Skills Class, relief driver, food pantry, household maintenance, provide dinner the second Monday of each month.

Entrust Equipping Women

Entrust's mission is to multiply women leaders through accessible, locally owned, reproducible biblical trainings.
Visit Website » 

Ways You Can Serve:
  • Take the 4 core training modules
  • Volunteer to be a host home or provide meals for a local training
  • Volunteer to serve at the local or international trainings

Our Affiliated Ministries

Angel’s Loft
Angel’s Loft proceeds support Angel Reach’s ongoing mission to help kinship families, youth who have aged out of foster care, and youth at-risk of homelessness in the community.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is a national association in the United States that supports and promotes court-appointed advocates for abused or neglected children.
Compassion United
Compassion United serves the forgotten, marginalized, and hopeless of Montgomery County.
Interfaith of The Woodlands is a non-profit social service agency providing family, child, work, and senior programs and services the surrounding area.
Isaiah117 House
Isaiah 117 provides a comforting home where foster children awaiting homes can be brought to wait – a place that is safe with friendly and loving volunteers.
Journey Home
Journey Home is a Christ-centered nonprofit Maternity Home existing to encourage and empower the women that walk through our doors to live the lives God intended for them to live.
Love Fosters Hope
Love Fosters Hope impacts the lives of children/teens in foster care who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned
Mercy House
Mercy House creates opportunities that provide vulnerable families with hope in Jesus’ name.
The Moses Closet
The Moses Closet exists to provide tangible items needed by children and families in the foster, adoptive, and kinship community.
Under Over Fellowship
Under Over Under is an unattractional church that meets in a park in downtown Conroe, reaching the housing insecure and housing flexible. Their mission is to love the broken and hurting like Jesus by preaching the gospel and ministering to their physical need. Learn more.

Meet the Team

Jesse Marcos

Missions Pastor

Tammy Ford

Missions Assistant

Ezequiel Serrato

Spanish Ministry Director