Meet Linnea Moore

I consider myself blessed to be able to say that my faith journey is relatively uncomplicated, beginning in a home that regularly attended church and youth group. My faith became my own at a summer camp in middle school when I understood for the first time what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
My love for Jesus and desire towards obedience grew naturally as time and age would allow, ebbing and flowing through the natural temptations one faces in high school and college. I am grateful for the strong foundation I had to stay on the road less taken by most of my peers.
I met my husband, Grafton, at Taylor University (IN), a Christian university, where my faith and walk blossomed as I spent a semester abroad in Ireland. We were married the summer after graduation, and we spent the next few years finding our stride in the balance of husband and wife, work, grad school, and a few moves in my homeland Chicago area and then to Michigan.
Through this time, my husband and I were tried by fire in a few circumstances, but a foundational commitment to the Lord and support from our church family and friends brought us through even stronger. Our first two daughters were born to us in Michigan, and it has been a joy to watch them grow!
We’ve been in Texas now for five and a half years. The Lord has guided me and my family through a few dark years of more trials through many venues: health and finance challenges, a “bonus” third daughter (without whom we can’t imagine life, now!), big decisions around our girls’ schooling, and the launching of our business.
These last few years have been some of the most rewarding and exhausting of my adult life. Parenting and schooling three girls is not for the faint of heart! I am thankful for family, friends, and my faithful, patient husband as he has never broken stride in being my biggest support and confidant through some of the hardest years.
The beauty in the struggle is that the Lord keeps calling me to draw nearer to Him, reminding me that He and His grace must be my life source. Apart from abiding in Him, I can do nothing.
“Lord I need Thee, oh I need Thee. Every hour I need Thee.”
My love for Jesus and desire towards obedience grew naturally as time and age would allow, ebbing and flowing through the natural temptations one faces in high school and college. I am grateful for the strong foundation I had to stay on the road less taken by most of my peers.
I met my husband, Grafton, at Taylor University (IN), a Christian university, where my faith and walk blossomed as I spent a semester abroad in Ireland. We were married the summer after graduation, and we spent the next few years finding our stride in the balance of husband and wife, work, grad school, and a few moves in my homeland Chicago area and then to Michigan.
Through this time, my husband and I were tried by fire in a few circumstances, but a foundational commitment to the Lord and support from our church family and friends brought us through even stronger. Our first two daughters were born to us in Michigan, and it has been a joy to watch them grow!
We’ve been in Texas now for five and a half years. The Lord has guided me and my family through a few dark years of more trials through many venues: health and finance challenges, a “bonus” third daughter (without whom we can’t imagine life, now!), big decisions around our girls’ schooling, and the launching of our business.
These last few years have been some of the most rewarding and exhausting of my adult life. Parenting and schooling three girls is not for the faint of heart! I am thankful for family, friends, and my faithful, patient husband as he has never broken stride in being my biggest support and confidant through some of the hardest years.
The beauty in the struggle is that the Lord keeps calling me to draw nearer to Him, reminding me that He and His grace must be my life source. Apart from abiding in Him, I can do nothing.
“Lord I need Thee, oh I need Thee. Every hour I need Thee.”
Posted in Faces of Faith