Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Presence Observed


READ: John 3:16, 1 John 4:19, John 13:35, Psalm 5:3

Weddings and funerals commemorate life events. Though one evokes great joy and the other great sadness, during these events, it means the world to be surrounded by those who know and love us. This is a perfect example of what it looks like to be a part of the body of Christ.

READ: Romans 16:1-16

In this passage, Paul is addressing the church – not as a whole, but as individuals who each made a profound difference in his life. We are tempted to quickly glance past all the names to get to the “important part” of these verses. We jump right over these names for two reasons: first, we are concerned about mispronouncing them, and second, most of these individuals are only mentioned here – nowhere else in the Bible – so we have no stories to attach to them, no context other than what Paul mentions here.

However, we should not jump too quickly because specific individuals are mentioned! Did I say specific? Yes! These individuals, like Phoebe, Prisca, Aquila, Epaenetus, Mary, Andronicus, and Junias, are not just names on a page. They were dear friends and co-laborers in the gospel. To “greet” here means to enfold in the arms, welcome, and embrace. He longs to embrace them as dear, intimate friends.

We revere Apostle Paul as being so used by God that we rarely step into his shoes to see – touch – and feel all he endured as he spread the gospel. According to 2 Corinthians 6:4-10, he suffered “ . . . afflictions, hardships, beatings, imprisonment . . . punished but not put to death . . .

On the missionary journeys, he did not travel with a tour group but often alone or with one or two companions. Travel alone was dangerous and the message of Christ more so as many sought to put to death those who went against religious tradition.

Yet, Paul experienced community in the body of Christ. God used those mentioned in Romans 16 to minister to Paul personally. Wouldn’t you like to have been counted among those who knew Paul, befriended him and aided him in the furtherance of the gospel?

The separation of time makes that impossible, of course, but God has us on a journey here and now. We, too, walk with others. Do we see them, or does technology (our phones) or our agenda (busyness) get in the way of community?

Dr. Henry Cloud states, “We leave the effects of our interactions with people behind in their hearts, minds, and souls.” Phoebe, Prisca, Aquila, Epaenetus, Mary, Andronicus, Junias . . . all precious saints who were in Paul’s heart and mind.
Pray to the Lord: “Equip me as I follow You. Engage me to encourage others, to love, to serve. Lift my eyes first to You, then to others. Use me to bless others and share your love. Who can I encourage? Who needs me to walk beside them this week?

This is how we spread the Light in a dark world and give others hope. This is the body of Christ.

Personal Reflection

Who has been a help to you, an encouragement? Who has God used in your life? Who walks beside you weeping, laughing? Thank God for them today. This week, let them know how much they mean to you.
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