Our Witness

READ: Proverbs 16:9, Deuteronomy 11:18-19, 1 Peter 3:15, Isaiah 30:21
Every good book or blockbuster movie engages us with the excitement and drama of the story. The Acts of the Apostles does the same as it documents the apostles' travels and experiences. The book clearly shows how God uses them. And . . . spoiler alert . . . God uses them in awe-inspiring, miraculous ways! It is here in the Book of Acts that we meet Philip.
READ Acts 6:1-6 and Acts 8:25-40
A problem existed in the church: Widows were being overlooked. More individuals should have stepped up to serve, so the apostles appointed seven men. Philip was among the chosen. Meeting the needs of the widows was not his only assignment. In chapter 8, we see Philip proclaiming Christ to those in Samaria (Acts 8:5).
While journeying back to Jerusalem, Philip hears from an angel of the Lord: "Get up and go south . . ." He observes an Ethiopian eunuch traveling in a chariot on the desert road when the Spirit tells Philip, "Go up and join his chariot." The Ethiopian was reading the scriptures but needed more understanding of whom the scriptures were referring to.
Philip explained the scriptures and preached Jesus to him. The eunuch believed and was promptly baptized. Philip was used by God in a mighty way because he was present. Philip only needed to follow God's leading, as it was God who meticulously orchestrated his path.
But that is not the end of this historical account.
As the eunuch was coming out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away! God miraculously transported Philip to Azotus, where Philip continued preaching the gospel.
I know what you are thinking. That is an amazing story! I wish God spoke to me as clearly as He did with Philip. Know that He does, but sometimes, He whispers.
1 Kings 19:11-12 tells us He showed up not in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire, but in the sound of a gentle blowing. Matt Redman, in Facedown, encourages us to "carve out moments of hushed beholding in our daily lives."
If we do not worship this way, we too quickly attribute human attributes to God and neglect seeing His power. Did you see His power in Acts 8? God can do miraculous things in your life, too!
Every good book or blockbuster movie engages us with the excitement and drama of the story. The Acts of the Apostles does the same as it documents the apostles' travels and experiences. The book clearly shows how God uses them. And . . . spoiler alert . . . God uses them in awe-inspiring, miraculous ways! It is here in the Book of Acts that we meet Philip.
READ Acts 6:1-6 and Acts 8:25-40
A problem existed in the church: Widows were being overlooked. More individuals should have stepped up to serve, so the apostles appointed seven men. Philip was among the chosen. Meeting the needs of the widows was not his only assignment. In chapter 8, we see Philip proclaiming Christ to those in Samaria (Acts 8:5).
While journeying back to Jerusalem, Philip hears from an angel of the Lord: "Get up and go south . . ." He observes an Ethiopian eunuch traveling in a chariot on the desert road when the Spirit tells Philip, "Go up and join his chariot." The Ethiopian was reading the scriptures but needed more understanding of whom the scriptures were referring to.
Philip explained the scriptures and preached Jesus to him. The eunuch believed and was promptly baptized. Philip was used by God in a mighty way because he was present. Philip only needed to follow God's leading, as it was God who meticulously orchestrated his path.
But that is not the end of this historical account.
As the eunuch was coming out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away! God miraculously transported Philip to Azotus, where Philip continued preaching the gospel.
I know what you are thinking. That is an amazing story! I wish God spoke to me as clearly as He did with Philip. Know that He does, but sometimes, He whispers.
1 Kings 19:11-12 tells us He showed up not in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire, but in the sound of a gentle blowing. Matt Redman, in Facedown, encourages us to "carve out moments of hushed beholding in our daily lives."
If we do not worship this way, we too quickly attribute human attributes to God and neglect seeing His power. Did you see His power in Acts 8? God can do miraculous things in your life, too!
Personal Reflection
Is the ambient noise level of my life low enough for me to hear the whispers of the Lord?
Posted in UR Devotionals