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Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 122

“ A Song of Ascents, of David. 1 I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” 2 Our feet are standing Within your gates, O Jerusalem, 3 Jerusalem, that is built As a city that is compact together; 4 To which the tribes go up, even the tribes of the Lord— An ordinance for Israel— To give thanks to the name of the Lord. 5 For there thrones were set for judgment, The thrones of the house of David. 6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you. 7 “May peace be within your walls, And prosperity within your palaces.” 8 For the sake of my brothers and my friends, I will now say, “May peace be within you.” 9 For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.[1]” (Psalm 122, NASB 95)—Psalm 122

Today, we conclude our Summer in the Psalms series! What a blessing it has been. Did we study your favorite psalm? If so, which one was it? Our study of Psalm 122 today is a fitting conclusion in many ways.

Psalm 122 is one of the 15 Psalms of Ascents found in Psalm 120-134. These would have been the “playlist” of the people of Israel as they made their pilgrimage to Jerusalem for one of the feasts. Psalm 122 reminds us that we want to worship and that we want to ascend the hill of the Lord.

Begin by reading Psalm 122 aloud.

Psalm 122

1. Which of the three reasons (relationship, framework, hearing from God) in Psalm 122 resonates most with you as you think about why you decide to worship regularly?
2. Which of the three challenges (coming to church six weeks in a row, joining a small group, and reading devotionals) will be the hardest for you during the next series? Why?
3. Russell challenged us with the following thought: “We obey our way to feelings quicker than we feel our way to obedience.” Have you ever done something you initially did not feel like doing, but afterward, the appreciation and feelings followed?
4. Wrapping up Summer in Psalms, which Psalm has spoken the most to you and why? What is your favorite Psalm and why?
5. Who took the challenge to memorize Psalm 1? Would you say it for the group?
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