Meet Priscilla Heckman

Hey, church! I'm Priscilla. This is my story.
My journey began in Miami, Florida. My family and I were happy, despite our financial struggles. As new immigrants, my parents were searching for a new hope, living a difficult life raising a child, but also providing for their own struggling parents back in their home, Venezuela. My parents were raised Catholic, but had never walked with God. In 2011, we received our first clear sign from God as we moved to Texas. In the midst of our struggles, my mom was invited to start attending the Bridges class at FBC. She would come home and tell us about her newfound understanding for Jesus. She finally convinced my dad to attend a church service on Sunday morning. Once my dad stepped foot into FBC in the spring of 2012, our family's life was never the same.
In this season of my life, I grew deeper into the understanding of God's love but had yet to develop a personal relationship with Christ. It was also during this time where I realized my deep love for service. I served with Faith Kids any chance I got, whether that was at the motivation station or on the worship team for VBS.
Once I started High School, I hit a wall. I realized how different I was from everyone else at my prestigious high school. I did not fit in with my peers. I envied those whose parents could afford to pay for the materialistic lifestyle that I had grown to desire. I lived my life drowning into a puddle of worthless thoughts, putting my identity in things and relationships that did not satisfy me.
As a sophomore, I attended my first church camp with Faith Students. There, I decided to surrender to Him with everything. I realized that without Christ, I was nothing and I would never be truly satisfied. The world grew less and less satisfying as Christ opened my eyes to what He is preparing for me in eternity. My confidence no longer came from what others thought of me and what I had or lacked, but from what Christ did for me on the cross, giving me boldness in who God intended me to be. I now have a new life in Christ as I confidently walk towards Him and in the paths He has set out for me.
My journey began in Miami, Florida. My family and I were happy, despite our financial struggles. As new immigrants, my parents were searching for a new hope, living a difficult life raising a child, but also providing for their own struggling parents back in their home, Venezuela. My parents were raised Catholic, but had never walked with God. In 2011, we received our first clear sign from God as we moved to Texas. In the midst of our struggles, my mom was invited to start attending the Bridges class at FBC. She would come home and tell us about her newfound understanding for Jesus. She finally convinced my dad to attend a church service on Sunday morning. Once my dad stepped foot into FBC in the spring of 2012, our family's life was never the same.
In this season of my life, I grew deeper into the understanding of God's love but had yet to develop a personal relationship with Christ. It was also during this time where I realized my deep love for service. I served with Faith Kids any chance I got, whether that was at the motivation station or on the worship team for VBS.
Once I started High School, I hit a wall. I realized how different I was from everyone else at my prestigious high school. I did not fit in with my peers. I envied those whose parents could afford to pay for the materialistic lifestyle that I had grown to desire. I lived my life drowning into a puddle of worthless thoughts, putting my identity in things and relationships that did not satisfy me.
As a sophomore, I attended my first church camp with Faith Students. There, I decided to surrender to Him with everything. I realized that without Christ, I was nothing and I would never be truly satisfied. The world grew less and less satisfying as Christ opened my eyes to what He is preparing for me in eternity. My confidence no longer came from what others thought of me and what I had or lacked, but from what Christ did for me on the cross, giving me boldness in who God intended me to be. I now have a new life in Christ as I confidently walk towards Him and in the paths He has set out for me.
Posted in Faces of Faith
What a beautiful story of how one invitation can change so many lives. I am thankful I am getting to know this beautiful family through our new pop-up small group Thank you FBC for caring so well for people and showing them Jesus. And thank you Priscilla for sharing your story of Jesus love, hope and redemption!
Oh Priscilla, I already loved you as my sister in Christ, but reading your testimony takes that to a new level! George and I love sharing life with you and Blake and are so thankful to call you friend. I can’t wait to see the ways God has planned for us to walk together serving Him.