Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Money in the End

Jul 24, 2022    John Witte

Money is one of the ways we measure our significance. We often compare ourselves to others based on our money. What if our good feelings about money are false? Because let’s admit it, if you have money, you probably feel pretty good about it. But what if our attitude toward it is all wrong? What if you and I aren’t thinking accurately about our money and wealth? The key to living out the book of James is your attitude. Attitude matters! Attitude is a by-product of perspective, understanding that life now is not only about now, but is about preparing us to live on the new earth in eternity. Perspective directly effects what we do with our money, because if we think life is primarily about now, we will hoard treasure on the earth. Big mistake! Because wealth is a means to an end, but if we make it an end in itself it becomes a dead end.