Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

The Beginning: Genesis 2:4-17

“9 Out of the ground the Lord God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.[1]”—(Genesis 2:9, NASB 95)

The Garden of Eden is known as the original paradise, Heaven on Earth, if you will. A place that was untouched by sin in its original state. A place where God and man could walk together. We can all imagine just how beautiful this garden paradise would be. This garden could have been purely functional, but God said in Genesis 2:9 that the trees “were pleasing to the sight.” We can appreciate beauty because God designed us to be able to. In a world full of ugly, hateful, and harmful things, we can see beauty and appreciate it, helping our fellow man do the same. In so doing, they hope to see the One who created it and trust Him.

Discussion Questions

1. What are some of the most beautiful things you have seen or experienced? What was going through your mind when you were taking in those places or experiences?
2. What is your response to knowing that God made beautiful things and gave us the ability to appreciate them? What does this tell you about God and His character?
3. Russell pointed out similarities between the garden in Eden and the temple in the OT. Here are some of those passages referenced in the sermon. What stands out to you as you read those passages? Have you ever been to an ornate church or cathedral before? Where is sacred space now?
- 1 Kings 6:29
- 1 Kings 6:21-22
- Exodus 28:9-10
- Exodus 25:31-34
4. The challenge from the sermon was to appreciate God’s beauty. Why is it so easy to focus on what is wrong and what is ugly? What are some beautiful things that you can turn your attention to? How will that help the people around us?
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