Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

1 John

Walking in Light and Love

The apostle John’s first letter to the Christians of the Roman world tackles issues of false teaching, sin, and zeal in the light of the truth of God’s incarnation and saving work of Christ. It offers a warning message grounded in our assurance as Christians. John wants to expose these false teachers while deepening the believer's fellowship and intimacy with Jesus. The church continually faces the threat of false teachers, and while the issues may vary from the 1st century, 1 John calls us to orthodoxy and a deep love for our savior, Jesus Christ. John reminds the readers of two primary characteristics of God. God is Light, and God is Love. The Apostle John wants us to walk in the light and love of God through fellowship with His son, Jesus Christ.

Prepare For Sundays

Take some time to sit quietly and read through 1 John.
Let its words guide your thoughts and refresh your spirit.
As you read, listen to our worship playlist and draw near to God,
ask Him to prepare you for all He wants to reveal.

You can find our spotify playlist and First John resources by downloading the app. You can also download the Overview of First John below.

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