Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Day 11: Genesis 2:1-3



At the beginning of Chapter 2, we witness the conclusion of God’s creation: “the heavens and the earth were completed.” After six days of intentional work--from the creation of light to the formation of humanity--God rested on the seventh day. That word “rest” is שׁבת--shabat in Hebrew, which means to cease or desist from activity. This rest was not needed because of exhaustion, since the Creator does not grow weary (Ps. 121:4), but out of completeness. God had finished His work, and the seventh day became a moment of pause and reflection where He took time to simply enjoy his work.

I believe this moment of rest also serves as a model for us. It is a pattern that God Himself established, teaching us something crucial about the rhythm of life. One thing that most everyone in our society has in common is busyness. Our culture often pushes us towards busyness, as though our value is in how much we do. But here, God models something radically different…something better than busyness.

God’s rest is not simply about pausing from work but is instead deeply tied to satisfied reflection on what has been accomplished. For six days God worked and then he rested. Through this, the seventh day teaches us that while working hard is a good thing, our worth is not ultimately defined by constant productivity. Just as God declared His work complete, we too can find value in slowing down for a day. We should take time on a regular basis to rest and reflect on God’s goodness in our lives.

When we do that, we are saying, “I don’t have to keep everything running. God is in control.” When we rest, we honor God’s design for creation, acknowledging that He provides, sustains, and holds all things together, even when we stop.

Personal Reflection

  • How do you currently incorporate rest into your life, and in what ways can you make rest a more routine practice?
  • In what areas of your life do you need to trust God more, acknowledging that He is in control even when you stop working or striving?
  • How might taking time to rest help you see God’s work more clearly in your life and allow you to reflect on His blessings and provision?


Corinna - October 7th, 2024 at 6:06am

We live in the time where our jobs and even the descriptions of those jobs are multitasking. The more we do and the more we get done the more successful we are viewed. In today’s society rest almost seems like you’re being lazy because there’s so much to do. I personally struggle with resting. Thinking about it now I need to trust God more in the area of rest. That the list will get done and his timing not mine. This is a very difficult for a mom, task master and type A personality. my prayer is that God will slow down my mind and help me to rest and bask in his glory, presence and creation.

Russell - October 7th, 2024 at 9:04am

As someone that has a hard time resting, thanks for the reminder to stop. The hardest thing to rest is mind. That would be the area I need to focus on. Thanks Chad.

Patricia Carrozziere - October 7th, 2024 at 5:53pm

I never have trouble resting! I'm retired! After all, I put my 30 years in and feel I can do, today. whatever I feel like doing. However, I was inspired with the thought of completion, 'pause and reflect'. There is never enough time for that. I need to spend more time with The Lord and continue to learn. Thank you Chad