Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Day 7: Genesis 1:24 – 25


READ GENESIS 1:24 – 25

Have you ever felt like you were in a season of waiting for God to change your circumstances? Maybe you were waiting for God to bring along that new job or a promotion because you felt you were ready for that next step. Instead, God said ‘wait’. We all have seasons of waiting. We have hope and see good things waiting for us on the horizon, yet we feel stuck in our current circumstances. The story of creation is always such an encouragement for me to wait on God’s timing.

Let me invite you to indulge your “creation imagination” just for a moment! What if the animals God planned to put on the earth felt like they ‘were in a season of waiting’? I know it sounds a little crazy but imagine that they saw the earth God had created and all of the potential it held, yet they had to wait to be put on the earth. In the wildness of my imagination, I can see the lions begging God to let them run around on the earth on Day 3 of creation!

The land had been created and there was water to drink. However, God knew that the big beasts He was creating needed more than just land and water. They needed other animals to eat, they needed the sun to warm them in the day, and they needed the moon to tell those animals when to sleep. God did not create the animals until Day 6, after he first created everything, they would need to not just survive in their new home but thrive as well.
I find comfort in seeing how God did not put the animals on the earth until the earth was equipped with everything they would need. So, the next time you find yourself asking God to change a circumstance, remember that His timing is perfect. We can trust that He will not provide that new job until He has put all of the details together to make that job a good thing.

Personal Reflection

  • Think of a time when you saw God put together all of the details to make a new season of your life very sweet. What was that like?
  • Which passages of Scripture bring you comfort and encouragement to trust the Lord, when you are in a season of waiting?


Russell - October 1st, 2024 at 6:40am

I’m not a patient person so waiting is hard. Thanks for the encouraging words about creation being fully equipped for the lions. Sometime we have to wait for everything to be put in to place. Matthew 6:33 comes to mind, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all the these things will be given to you as well.” Thanks Kayla.

Shari Lancaster - October 1st, 2024 at 11:29am

My daughter was in a coma for 8 months following a car accident on the way to school. I didn’t ‘REALLY SEEK’ God until I was STILL and at the end of myself and others. God used that 8 months of silence to teach me WHO HE WAS, Who I am in Him and that HE WAS ALL I NEEDED! He was preparing me to carry out a beautiful assignment. My daughter ministered to others using a computer from a wheelchair for 5 years and I would have never been prepared! As a result…. I trust God completely!

nHeres a clinger!!!

nRomans 8:28

nAnd we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Sandra Rosen - October 1st, 2024 at 7:19pm

I waited years for my son to want to go to rehab. I prayed and cried. When he finally went, God’s timing was perfect. My son was ready, the rehab was the right one, the timing was just right - God’s timing!

Diane Rienstra - October 1st, 2024 at 11:11pm

God put me in a period of waiting in circumstances completely out of my control. After a time of experiencing untold frustration, I finally surrendered and trusted Him. It was then the miracle began. He can be trusted in our most difficult moments. And His deliverance exceeds all our expectations. There is nothing He cannot do.