Table of Contents
From Our Lead Team
A message from Chad Melton
Faith Bible Audit
View our audit report
From Our Treasurer
A message from Mike Kowalski
Year at a Glance
Social media and ministry statistics
A message from Chad Melton
Faith Bible Audit
View our audit report
From Our Treasurer
A message from Mike Kowalski
Year at a Glance
Social media and ministry statistics
Trends (2022-2023)
Giving and attendance trends
Financial Breakdown (2022-2023)
Expenses, budget, & missions
Debt Service (2022-2023)
Beginning versus end of year debt balance
How to Give
The benefits of online giving
Giving and attendance trends
Financial Breakdown (2022-2023)
Expenses, budget, & missions
Debt Service (2022-2023)
Beginning versus end of year debt balance
How to Give
The benefits of online giving
Budget Goals (2023-2024)
Budget for the new fiscal year
From our Elder Chairman
A message from Scott McEwen
Meet Our Finance Committee
The team behind the numbers
Budget for the new fiscal year
From our Elder Chairman
A message from Scott McEwen
Meet Our Finance Committee
The team behind the numbers
Our Mission
We build generations of Jesus followers
who take grace to our world.

Chad Melton
Lead Team - Discipleship
Lead Team - Discipleship
Last August we kicked off the fall semester by refocusing the church on the mission that we believe Jesus has called us to. This is a statement that you hear a lot around Faith Bible Church and it drives the vision of everything we do.
We build generations of Jesus followers who take grace to our world.
I love this statement because it summarizes what Jesus calls us to do. Since August we have seen God work through so many different avenues here at our church. We have seen people saved, we have lots of new people serving, lots of new people engaged in community, a tremendous growth in new members, growth in our worship services, and so much more. Our church has rallied together around the mission that God has called us to and we’re seeing the fruits of what happens when the people of God come together. Thank you for all that you have done and the part you have played the past year.
I believe this next season is going to be even greater and believe we will experience growth like we have never seen before. To accomplish this, we need everyone joining together and using their unique gifts and abilities. What will your next step be in helping us accomplish the mission? Whether that be teaching in kids ministry, taking a mission trip, leading a small group, or giving financially, we are asking everyone to jump into this mission in a way they never have before.
It’s going to be a great year, and I’m excited to see what God does through Faith Bible Church in the coming year.
We build generations of Jesus followers who take grace to our world.
I love this statement because it summarizes what Jesus calls us to do. Since August we have seen God work through so many different avenues here at our church. We have seen people saved, we have lots of new people serving, lots of new people engaged in community, a tremendous growth in new members, growth in our worship services, and so much more. Our church has rallied together around the mission that God has called us to and we’re seeing the fruits of what happens when the people of God come together. Thank you for all that you have done and the part you have played the past year.
I believe this next season is going to be even greater and believe we will experience growth like we have never seen before. To accomplish this, we need everyone joining together and using their unique gifts and abilities. What will your next step be in helping us accomplish the mission? Whether that be teaching in kids ministry, taking a mission trip, leading a small group, or giving financially, we are asking everyone to jump into this mission in a way they never have before.
It’s going to be a great year, and I’m excited to see what God does through Faith Bible Church in the coming year.
Faith Bible Audit
Batts Morrison Wales & Lee conducted an audit of our church’s financial statements for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Year at a Glance

Mike Kowalski
Faith Bible Treasurer
Faith Bible Treasurer
Pastor Russell Johnson recently kicked-off the teaching series Faith that Inspires. As a long-time member of the Finance Committee, I can attest that “faith” has been an active ingredient in the management of Faith Bible's financial matters.
We are committed to being good stewards of the resources with which we have been blessed, and financial decisions are carefully made with input from the Pastoral Staff, Elders, and Finance Committee; but a degree of uncertainty is always present when making key decisions such as the adoption of a budget. Time and again, though, that is where “faith” has stepped in – Faith that God will provide; and He has done so abundantly.
A case in point is the recent close of our fiscal year in March. Throughout that month we communicated our financial status and presented 3 challenges for prayerful consideration:
We are committed to being good stewards of the resources with which we have been blessed, and financial decisions are carefully made with input from the Pastoral Staff, Elders, and Finance Committee; but a degree of uncertainty is always present when making key decisions such as the adoption of a budget. Time and again, though, that is where “faith” has stepped in – Faith that God will provide; and He has done so abundantly.
A case in point is the recent close of our fiscal year in March. Throughout that month we communicated our financial status and presented 3 challenges for prayerful consideration:

Your response may have influenced the title Faith that Inspires, as we were blessed with the largest amount of contributions ever received in March! Your generosity replenished our general fund and solidified our financial footing as we begin a new fiscal year.
God’s faithfulness to provide through the body of Faith Bible Church is inspiring and can be seen over the past two decades. The recently completed renovation project of a major section of Faith Bible Church’s facility provides an opportunity to look back and review how God has worked through the growth of our campus over the past 25 years. For the benefit of those that are relatively new to Faith Bible, I’d like to share some history.
God’s faithfulness to provide through the body of Faith Bible Church is inspiring and can be seen over the past two decades. The recently completed renovation project of a major section of Faith Bible Church’s facility provides an opportunity to look back and review how God has worked through the growth of our campus over the past 25 years. For the benefit of those that are relatively new to Faith Bible, I’d like to share some history.

In the late 90’s, the church acquired property on Research Forest Drive to move from its original location on Shadowbend Place, which is now the Jewish Synagogue Congregation Beth Shalom.
Phase I of a long-term plan was completed in 1998 and consisted of a Sanctuary, offices, classrooms, and space for children and student ministries. After several years, growth in attendance and the need for more classrooms led to the construction of Phase II – a new Education Wing.
In 2014 financing was secured and a building campaign was launched to construct Phase III of the campus. The centerpiece was our current Worship Center, along with more adult classrooms and upgraded nursery and pre-school space. Following completion of the new Worship Center, the original Sanctuary underwent a major facelift to become the home of Faith Bible's Student Ministry, known as Northside.
Phase I of a long-term plan was completed in 1998 and consisted of a Sanctuary, offices, classrooms, and space for children and student ministries. After several years, growth in attendance and the need for more classrooms led to the construction of Phase II – a new Education Wing.
In 2014 financing was secured and a building campaign was launched to construct Phase III of the campus. The centerpiece was our current Worship Center, along with more adult classrooms and upgraded nursery and pre-school space. Following completion of the new Worship Center, the original Sanctuary underwent a major facelift to become the home of Faith Bible's Student Ministry, known as Northside.

The freeze in the Winter of 2021 caused flooding and significant damage to much of Phase I and was the impetus to begin much needed repair and renovation. The recently completed Building Next project has improved church offices and added large strategic program rooms for our Kids Ministry and special events.
We are grateful for the generosity of so many over the years that have contributed to the construction of this campus, which in the aggregate cost over $26 million. The balance remaining on the term loan to build the Worship Center is $1.235 million. To complete the renovation project, $1.2 million of a bank Line of Credit was used. Only 10% of the cost of the church’s campus remains to be paid. Debt retirement is a goal we would like to achieve as soon as possible.
The current fiscal year budget includes $412,130 for the principal and interest on loans. Once the debt is eliminated, these funds can be redirected to provide additional resources to Missions and the strategic plans of our various ministries.
Thank you for your support of Faith Bible Church. As you can see throughout this report, your commitment to this body is evident and is truly a demonstration of Faith That Inspires.
The current fiscal year budget includes $412,130 for the principal and interest on loans. Once the debt is eliminated, these funds can be redirected to provide additional resources to Missions and the strategic plans of our various ministries.
Thank you for your support of Faith Bible Church. As you can see throughout this report, your commitment to this body is evident and is truly a demonstration of Faith That Inspires.
Please Note: The financial information and graphic illustrations as presented below have not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the Church’s financial statements. The audit is posted at the beginning of this report. Such information is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not covered by the auditor’s opinion on the Church’s financial statements.

"Before I started attending Faith Bible, I was shy and too scared to put myself out of my comfort zone. But God gave me the courage to start attending Faith Students, and He showed me what true fellowship looks like. I didn’t have Christian friends that I could lean on for support, but God answered my prayers and blessed me with some of my best friends (one of whom is going to be my roommate in college). I’m so thankful that God brought me to Faith Students; it has been life changing for me."
Sarah Martin, Faith Students Graduate
Financial Breakdown
Actual Expense Overview
Expenses by Function
Debt Service & Capital Projects
Actual vs. Budgeted
Please Note: The Actual vs. Budget statement depicts the fiscal year activity in Faith Bible's General Fund. The amounts reported and how they are categorized reflect how income and expenditures are budgeted, accounted for and managed versus how they are required to be reported for financial statement reporting purposes. The information below is presented using different categories than those used in the audited financial statements. The audit is posted at the beginning of this report.

"The Men of Faith Authentic Manhood study provided multiple opportunities for growth. The content applied remarkably to my life. The discussions added insight to the study and resulted in deeper relationships. The interviews and testimonies shed new light on people and situations helping me to follow Jesus with more trust, hope, and gusto!"
Aaron Trott, Men of Faith Member

Jesse Marcos
Missions Pastor
Missions Pastor
At Faith Bible church, we are committed to building generations of Jesus followers who take grace to our world. What we mean by that is, we take grace across the street and across the globe! There is one simple word that describes that process, mobilization. In Missions, we are committed to mobilizing generations of Jesus followers who take Grace to our world.
This has been a year of seeing that happen. We launched with City Serve in January which mobilized over three hundred people to engage seventeen organizations in our community. In October, our Women’s ministry was mobilized to serve the women in Albania who attend our partner church Guri Themelit. It was their first ever women’s overnight retreat they had held. It was so encouraging, that they immediately asked when we would return and do it again!
This summer, we mobilized fifty-nine people to serve across the globe. Of the fifty-nine who are being mobilized this year, forty-two had never been before. The student ministry mobilized fourteen to the Dominican Republic, and eighteen adults launched a new work in Trento, Italy. At the end of July, a team of 6 served in Lebanon. A team of eight Young Adults will mobilize in October to work with our partners at the University of Tirana in Albania.
This is just a small sample of how the Lord is mobilizing Faith Bible Church. Thanks to all of you for your faithful and sacrificial giving that allows us to take Grace to our world!
This has been a year of seeing that happen. We launched with City Serve in January which mobilized over three hundred people to engage seventeen organizations in our community. In October, our Women’s ministry was mobilized to serve the women in Albania who attend our partner church Guri Themelit. It was their first ever women’s overnight retreat they had held. It was so encouraging, that they immediately asked when we would return and do it again!
This summer, we mobilized fifty-nine people to serve across the globe. Of the fifty-nine who are being mobilized this year, forty-two had never been before. The student ministry mobilized fourteen to the Dominican Republic, and eighteen adults launched a new work in Trento, Italy. At the end of July, a team of 6 served in Lebanon. A team of eight Young Adults will mobilize in October to work with our partners at the University of Tirana in Albania.
This is just a small sample of how the Lord is mobilizing Faith Bible Church. Thanks to all of you for your faithful and sacrificial giving that allows us to take Grace to our world!

"City Serve is always a great opportunity to get to know people in our church and have fun serving together. I enjoy this every time, and it always reinforces how being with your fellow brothers/sisters in Christ is needed in a church. It helps strengthen the church community and each other."
Corinna Sumrall, City Serve Volunteer
Debt Service
"Our Small Group is the best! We are all like extended family to one another as well as help lift one another up and encourage each other to continue to grow more like Christ."
Riley Rowe, Small Group Member

Scott McEwen
Elder Chairman
Elder Chairman
On behalf of the Board of Elders, it is my pleasure to greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior. As you've read through the Year End Report, I hope you've been encouraged by the events and God’s provision for our body over the past year. I also hope you've enjoyed discovering more about our church, our vision, and how we are looking forward to a great new season in the life of Faith Bible Church.
As Elder Greg Cryer expressed so well in his devotional, our recent history has been characterized by waiting, faith and patience – some more than others, patience that is. We are truly excited that at least a big part of that process is over with the hiring of our new Lead Pastor - Teaching, Russell Johnson, and the move of his family to Texas from South Carolina.
As Mike Kowalski covers very well, a year of uncertainty in our financial situation, full return after covid and the “lesser” flood we encountered actually led to an amazing provision of engagement in our ministries, new faces and wonderful generosity of giving by our congregation. Praise the Lord.
So, we have a few options – sit back and catch our breath or fully lean into God’s plan for our world, our community and Faith Bible. As you can probably guess, we have chosen the latter as we build generations of Jesus followers who take grace to our world. We will continue to follow God’s lead for our church as we concentrate on the good news of the new life that we are offered as believers.
Our good friend Ed Underwood puts it this way, “Christianity is not getting a new start in life, it is receiving a new life to start with.”
When we stop and think about what it is that makes a church and our gathering together so significant, it is that our fellowship and unity is absolutely centered around the person and work of Jesus Christ. We gather together on Sunday and at other times to encourage, learn, worship, serve, baptize, celebrate, mourn and many other things but Christ is always at the center.
We know that God commands us to make a priority of this gathering together in Hebrews 10:24–25, "and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."
A key point in this passage is that our gathering is not just about us, but to encourage one another. This command and admonition could not be more crucial in our current world. As we become more detached and separated the need and urgency to stay connected and encourage one another becomes critical.
Let's make the coming year an amazing time of serving God and each other as we see the day drawing near.
As Elder Greg Cryer expressed so well in his devotional, our recent history has been characterized by waiting, faith and patience – some more than others, patience that is. We are truly excited that at least a big part of that process is over with the hiring of our new Lead Pastor - Teaching, Russell Johnson, and the move of his family to Texas from South Carolina.
As Mike Kowalski covers very well, a year of uncertainty in our financial situation, full return after covid and the “lesser” flood we encountered actually led to an amazing provision of engagement in our ministries, new faces and wonderful generosity of giving by our congregation. Praise the Lord.
So, we have a few options – sit back and catch our breath or fully lean into God’s plan for our world, our community and Faith Bible. As you can probably guess, we have chosen the latter as we build generations of Jesus followers who take grace to our world. We will continue to follow God’s lead for our church as we concentrate on the good news of the new life that we are offered as believers.
Our good friend Ed Underwood puts it this way, “Christianity is not getting a new start in life, it is receiving a new life to start with.”
When we stop and think about what it is that makes a church and our gathering together so significant, it is that our fellowship and unity is absolutely centered around the person and work of Jesus Christ. We gather together on Sunday and at other times to encourage, learn, worship, serve, baptize, celebrate, mourn and many other things but Christ is always at the center.
We know that God commands us to make a priority of this gathering together in Hebrews 10:24–25, "and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."
A key point in this passage is that our gathering is not just about us, but to encourage one another. This command and admonition could not be more crucial in our current world. As we become more detached and separated the need and urgency to stay connected and encourage one another becomes critical.
Let's make the coming year an amazing time of serving God and each other as we see the day drawing near.
Budget Goals
How to Give
Your generosity fuels our mission to build generations of Jesus followers! The easiest way to support our ministries is through Pushpay. By giving online through Pushpay, you can quickly give a one-time donation or a recurring gift. You can also choose to direct your contribution to a specific area or ministry such as the building fund or missions. Join us in sharing God's grace with the world around us!
Meet Our Finance Committee

Patty Hardaway
Director of Finance, CPA

Michael Kowalski
Retired CEO, CFO, Controller and
CPA, founding member of
Finance Committee, church
CPA, founding member of
Finance Committee, church

Brian Hanley
Financial Advisor with Edward Jones

Adrienne Yust
Assistant Director of Finance, CPA

Marilyn Butler
MBA and Ed.D in Higher Education Leadership, Crown Budget Coach and National Trainer, Faith Bible Financial Stewardship Ministry Chair, Faith Bible Benevolence Committee Liaison

Tom Gardner
MBA, registered investment banking representative, former registered equity analyst

Lance Terry
Pastor of Operations

Curt Beck
CPA, Investment Advisory Services, former church treasurer

Jeff Persyn
Commercial real estate and construction professional (CPM, RPA, RE License), Elder Liaison, Former Faith Bible Building Committee Chairman