Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Day 49: Hebrews 3:4


In early Genesis, God creates things like light and animals by speaking them into existence. God’s subsequent creation of us happens very differently; God creates us through the intimate means of touch and breath and dust and nostrils. Pause here—what does the Breath of God smell like as God breathes life into your nostrils? Dusty? Powerful? Gentle? Safe, or not?

It is tempting to look at God’s creation of us and focus on how special we are, which is of course completely true. We are special because we are the only thing created through the touch and breath of God, created in God’s very image and likeness. We are special because God loved us enough to send Jesus to die for us. While this is all true and good, if we focus on ourselves, we can begin to believe that creation is about us, and how unique, special, and amazing we are.

Again, all of these are true, but they are not the main point. We must instead realize that in the creation of man, God is not primarily focused on saving us, but rather on bringing glory to Himself. Using fancy theological words, this sounds like, ‘God’s primary purposes are not soteriological (relating to or focused on the saving of man) but rather doxological (relating to or focused on the glorification of God).

The writer of Hebrews writes in the preceding verse, “…the builder of the house has more honor than the house.” (Hebrews 3:3). Creation is always less than the creator. Creation points to the Creator, but creation never matters more than the Creator.

This is a very important thing for us to realize—God is concerned with His Glory above everything else. This presents us with a choice in the way we live our lives. If we focus on ourselves, we will inevitably miss some of the greatest parts of human existence, co-laboring with God for His glory. If we focus our lives on the glory of God, then we discover the beauty of increased intimacy with God. There is nothing better.

Personal Reflection

  • At times, my life is more about me than it should be. Can you identify with this?
  • What would the life totally committed to the glory of God look like? Would this be limiting or fulfilling?
  • What might it be like to be close enough to God to recognize it when he ‘speaks’ to you?


Todd - November 28th, 2024 at 8:15am

Brilliant perspective Dave. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and leadership with FBC over all these years. To God be the glory indeed!

Russell - November 29th, 2024 at 6:12am

I make life all about me all the time. I find it easy to be lured by the world focused on what I could be or should be doing. Great reminder and challenge that it’s all for His glory!