Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Day 24: Genesis 3:7-8



I remember being asked a simple, yet profound, question years ago while playing disc golf with one of our student leaders: “What is the hardest part about marriage?” My brain quickly went through all the stereotypical answers before settling on a very honest answer. At that point in my life, the most difficult part about marriage was being continually reminded of my own sinful nature. The vulnerability and intimacy of being joined in marriage, more than ever before in my life, had shown me how truly sinful my natural desires often were.

It is difficult to come face to face with our own sin struggles. However, I believe God allows that to happen for a reason. See, admitting our struggles is the first step to understanding just how much God loves us. And it is the first step to actually dealing with those struggles.
When Adam and Eve’s eyes were opened, they came face to face with who they had become because of sin. And their first desire, much like ours, was to hide. Very quickly, they had an acute awareness of all the reasons God shouldn’t love them anymore; so much so, that when He drew near to them, they pulled away.

One of the most important aspects of our relationship with God is coming face to face with our sin. And when we do, we can choose two different paths. Our natural inclination is to pull away and hide. However, I never cease to be amazed by this simple truth—God loves me and is always chasing after me. I know the feelings of shame and the desire to hide, but when we begin with this truth in mind, we see our conviction, not as a reminder of how badly we’ve missed the mark, but as a reminder of how much we are loved. And it becomes an invitation to draw closer to the One who loves us more than anyone else ever could.

Personal Reflection

  • What struggle are you hiding that you need to bring into the light? How will you take it to the Lord today?
  • In what areas of your life are you struggling to receive God’s love and grace? Write a reminder to yourself that God loves you, despite your sins, and then spend time thanking God for His love for you.

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