Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

The Beginning: Genesis 2:1-3

“1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts. 2 By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.[1]”—Genesis 2:1–3, NASB 95

Seventh-day rest in Genesis 2:1-3 shines light on several truths about God and His work. First is that God completes His work. Second, we rest in God’s labors and not our own. Finally, as commanded in Exodus 20, the seventh-day rest reveals that God has our best interest in mind. These truths are at the heart of what and why of the Sabbath. How we practice this rest is increasingly more and more tricky in a world filled with so much noise. As difficult as it may be, we must rest as our body, mind, and soul depend on it.

Discussion Questions

1. Genesis 2:1-3 reminds us that God completes His work. How is that encouraging to you? What are some things you have seen God bring to completion in your life? What are some things you want to see brought to completion?
2. One day, we will enter the perfect rest of God and live with Him forever in the eternal state. Is this encouraging to you? Why?
3. God’s command to rest has our best interest in mind. God knows we need to be refilled and replenished. Are you rested? Why or why not?
4. Russell presented three things to consider for getting rest. Which of these do you do? What works for you? Which of these will you try?
  • Stop from work
  • Rest
    • Physical: sleep, take a walk, hobbies, time with family and friends
    • Mental and emotional: calm down, relax, process the week, read, listen to music, share a meal with others
    • Spiritual: abide with Christ, read the scripture, journal, pray, and fast.
  • Start somewhere
    • Silence notifications for a day
    • Fast from social media
    • Plan ahead and pick the day you will rest. Plan what you will and won’t do on that day.
    • Take a nap
    • Start with an hour and work your way up
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