Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Day 9: Genesis 1:28



In Genesis 1:28, God gave Adam and Eve a clear purpose and picture of what their role would be in the world. First, they were called to be fruitful and multiply together. As image bearers, man and woman were given a different purpose than the animal creation. They were to fill the earth with generations created in God’s image and exercise dominion over the rest of creation. All of creation was placed under mankind’s authority. Many in the world today, Christians and non-Christians alike, would agree with this statement, since on a base level, they know that humans exist at the top of the food chain!

Sadly though, under the curse of sin, ruling has become more about what we can gain from our position of authority. Animals and planet Earth are used and abused for the benefit of the population that dominates it. These thoughts have bled over into how we rule each other as well. We see it in politics, families, and businesses-rulers who rule over their “subjects” for the benefit of themselves.

But God had something very different in mind when He gave that command. As His image bearers, we are called to rule as He rules over all of creation. Our rule should not be used to make us great or exploit. Instead, it is about the good of God’s creation and honoring the One who has given us the authority over it in the first place. We have been called to steward the world and all of creation, doing what is needed to care for it. Our planet and our call to exercise care over it are gifts from God and should not be taken lightly.

Personal Reflection

  • If we’re honest, our natural inclination in leadership is rarely for the benefit of the people God has put in our spheres of influence. As you take time to think about the areas in which God has placed you as a leader-your family, church, school, or even in your job-ask yourself the following questions:
    • Who am I seeking to benefit through my leadership–myself or those I lead?
    • How can you look out for the best interests of others as you lead in your sphere of influence this week?
  • Finally, pray and ask God to give you His perspective as you to lead.


Corinna - October 3rd, 2024 at 6:19am

I think it’s human nature to look out for our self first. it takes the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives to look out for the best interest of others. It’s easier as a mom to want to look out for the best interest of your children. But you constantly have to ask for help from the Holy Spirit to say and do the right thing, not wanting your own way, but his. My prayer this week is that I have ears to hear and listen to what he is leading me to say and do.

Lillee Melton - October 3rd, 2024 at 8:23am

My prayer is that I can make the right decision for the FCA club at my school. I hope I make the right decisions for everyone and not just for me.

Russell - October 3rd, 2024 at 7:40pm

Thanks for the great reminder of how we steward our influence and position. So glad Christ has set the standard and model for us.