Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Day 8: Genesis 1:26-27



These verses are so familiar to us that we often just scan over them, without thinking deeply about the impact of what’s happening. God had already created the heavens and the earth; he created all the vegetation and the animals, birds, and fish. He declared all of this to be good. Yet, it didn’t fulfill God’s purpose. The triune God created man in his image and likeness to mirror His glory in all creation. In fact, Psalm 8 says, we are the jewel in the crown of His perfect creation, which he declared very good. But He also designed us to have a relationship with Himself. Sit with that for a moment… God desires a relationship with you.

Even more profound is that mankind is created in the image of God. While this concept holds many layers of meaning, one of its core aspects is that we are called to be His representatives here on the earth. We are meant to mirror His character to the people around us in the ways we live, love, and respond to others. God’s design is for us to reflect His nature to the world!

As we read on in verse 26, God delegates to man the authority to rule over the created things. Man is to be the caretakers, mediators, of the blessing to the creatures. Before the Fall, man had work to do in in the Garden, but it wasn’t backbreaking, difficult work. Now, we suffer the consequences of the Fall, and work can be difficult. However, we can find joy in our work just by remembering that God still longs to be in relationship with us.

Verse 27 repeats this idea that we are made in God’s image. But notice that it says “…in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (emphasis added).” So, both the man and the woman were created in the image of God — equal, precious creations.

Personal Reflection

  • Are you representing God in your daily life? Can others see God in you?
  • Do you take the time to thank God daily for His creation and give Him the glory that He is due?
  • Are you being a good caretaker of God’s creation? Can you find joy in whatever you do just because you are in relationship with God?


Roger Ford - October 2nd, 2024 at 7:19am

God wants us to have a relationship with him, to spend time with us. As part of my morning QT today, this tied in so well; an encouragement to me; I hope to you also.


nWhen we make Him the center of our lives and the source of our strength, what we do will flow out from Him.

nSo instead of fitting God into our daily routines, let's create our daily routines around our relationship with God. Let's create space for God to speak to us and restore us.

nLet's allow God to heal the parts of our lives that are broken so that what comes out of us is God-honoring, encouraging, and reflective of the good we've allowed into our hearts.

Trenda - October 2nd, 2024 at 7:32am

Image: the reputation that a person has, including the characteristics, appearance, etc. that they are known for.


nLord, you made me in your image. Help me have a reputation that reflects you, that points other people to you. Build characteristics in me so others see you through me. For your purposes and your glory. Amen!

Marilyn - October 2nd, 2024 at 8:55am

I couldn’t help but think of Russell’s sermon this past Sunday when reading the devotional today. The order, the function, the invitation- I love this whole package: sermons preaching the word and teaching us what that CAN look like in our lives. This is such a great follow up to the UR series that showed us how we could take part in having and building a relationship with God, family and His church community. Praise be to God for all of you on staff, in leadership roles and our faithful community who hear God’s call and act on it

Shari - October 2nd, 2024 at 9:31am

AMEN!!!! I totally agree! We are blessed!