Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Day 10: Genesis 1:29-31



When was the last time something grabbed your attention? Maybe it was a kid yelling your name from the other room in that precise panic-inducing pitch. Maybe it was a stunning sunrise on your drive to work. Or maybe it has been weeks, if not months, since something stopped you in your tracks. Life has been moving along just as usual.

I think these final words of chapter 1 are meant to make us pause. The word “behold” bookends this section and begs us to make sure we don’t miss what comes after verses 27-28, where humanity was created in God’s image. The Hebrew word “kōl” is repeated 8 times in these 3 verses and is translated in our English Bibles as “every” or “all”. I think that word is meant to cause us to zoom out and notice the whole of what was entrusted to mankind-nothing was excluded! And when all was done, God saw the totality of his 6 days and behold, He declared it be exceedingly, abundantly good.

God’s intention to trust us with His creation and provide for us through it is an absolute gift. And though things have changed drastically since day 6, where we saw vegetarians who knew no shame, we can trust that humanity will be redeemed to its proper place through Jesus. This is what God has always desired, and we will be at peace with nature again. Jesus is our Redeemer, now and forever. “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” (John 1:29). “Behold, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5).

Consider how much of our routine days are filled with the inventions of man. For years, my discipler has challenged me to just stop and look at a tree-a simple task I am still terrible at - to pick just one of the plethora, and to admire what no man could engineer. The issue isn’t that I don’t have opportunity to notice everything God has given, but I struggle to pause long enough to let it soak in.

Personal Reflection

  • How can you break routine to stop and stand in awe of what God has given you? What specifically makes it difficult for you to pause and behold all the God has done? Acknowledge your distractions and ask God to help you to refocus.
  • God deeply enjoys everything that He made. And God only does what is good because He is a good God. Practice acknowledging the good that God has done in your life by making a list today of what comes to mind.


Russell - October 4th, 2024 at 5:25am

Thanks for the reminder to pause and get a broader view of that God is and has done. I focus on the trees and can miss the forest. I need to pause and see ALL that God has done.

Corinna - October 4th, 2024 at 5:49am

I need to stop and refocus in the middle of the day. It’s so easy to start out the day with God, a morning walk and see his creation and be reminded of everything he’s done for me. As the day goes on and life happens, I can lose focus on what’s truly important. My prayer is that I stop mid day and refocus, no matter what’s going on around me.