Skin in the Game

READ: Philippians 3:7-8, Romans 12:1
Have you ever wondered if someone will follow through with a promise? You’d probably feel more confident knowing they have “skin in the game”. This simple phrase means a person is invested in seeing something through to the end--anything from a politician’s promise to a lunch date with a friend. You may ask yourself: do they have skin in the game, and will they follow through? Even more, can you trust they will DO what they SAY?
I did not have skin in the game for too many years of my walk with Christ. I lived a selfish life, hiding my sin and pursuing what I thought was best. After experiencing the loneliness and pain of living in sin, I had to make a choice: continue down this deadly path or finally put some skin in the game. I decided to give re: generation a try. I found an authentic community dedicated to personal healing through a relationship with Jesus. I had to learn to die to myself, give up the pursuit of self-gratification, and take up the cross. This came with sacrifices like not being around certain people, not going to specific events, and not being as accepted by “friends.” And these sacrifices came with a reward--a fulfilling life with Christ. You, too, can experience this freedom in Christ. We must dedicate our actions, speech, and thoughts daily to be holy and pleasing to the Lord. We need to die to our sinful selves and live in Christ. In other words, we need to put some skin in the game.
In Philippians 3, Paul writes about how his new pursuit of Christ has radically changed his value system. The things he held as necessary before Christ are now seen as insignificant garbage. Once we accept what Christ has done for us, the only thing that matters is to gain Christ. When we gain Christ and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we receive the gift of eternal salvation; by comparison, everything else is valueless. This transformation involves shifting the direction and focus of our lives to something greater. We are to dedicate our whole bodies to Christ as an act of worship.
Our relationship with Jesus is marked by knowing Christ. This happens by being in a relationship with Him. In Romans, Paul explains that transformation is the natural response to receiving such a valuable gift as eternal life. Our sins are blotted out with forgiveness (which we cannot earn), and our response is to transform our lives (which we can commit to doing daily). Our sacrifice is, therefore, acceptable to God, spiritual in practice, and offered with intentionality and awareness of God’s grace and mercy.
As hard as this may seem, we were not left without an example of how to do something that seems so counterintuitive: dying to ourselves and taking up our cross. We have a perfect example of skin in the game—Jesus dying on the cross, not for his sins but for my sins and for yours.
Have you ever wondered if someone will follow through with a promise? You’d probably feel more confident knowing they have “skin in the game”. This simple phrase means a person is invested in seeing something through to the end--anything from a politician’s promise to a lunch date with a friend. You may ask yourself: do they have skin in the game, and will they follow through? Even more, can you trust they will DO what they SAY?
I did not have skin in the game for too many years of my walk with Christ. I lived a selfish life, hiding my sin and pursuing what I thought was best. After experiencing the loneliness and pain of living in sin, I had to make a choice: continue down this deadly path or finally put some skin in the game. I decided to give re: generation a try. I found an authentic community dedicated to personal healing through a relationship with Jesus. I had to learn to die to myself, give up the pursuit of self-gratification, and take up the cross. This came with sacrifices like not being around certain people, not going to specific events, and not being as accepted by “friends.” And these sacrifices came with a reward--a fulfilling life with Christ. You, too, can experience this freedom in Christ. We must dedicate our actions, speech, and thoughts daily to be holy and pleasing to the Lord. We need to die to our sinful selves and live in Christ. In other words, we need to put some skin in the game.
In Philippians 3, Paul writes about how his new pursuit of Christ has radically changed his value system. The things he held as necessary before Christ are now seen as insignificant garbage. Once we accept what Christ has done for us, the only thing that matters is to gain Christ. When we gain Christ and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we receive the gift of eternal salvation; by comparison, everything else is valueless. This transformation involves shifting the direction and focus of our lives to something greater. We are to dedicate our whole bodies to Christ as an act of worship.
Our relationship with Jesus is marked by knowing Christ. This happens by being in a relationship with Him. In Romans, Paul explains that transformation is the natural response to receiving such a valuable gift as eternal life. Our sins are blotted out with forgiveness (which we cannot earn), and our response is to transform our lives (which we can commit to doing daily). Our sacrifice is, therefore, acceptable to God, spiritual in practice, and offered with intentionality and awareness of God’s grace and mercy.
As hard as this may seem, we were not left without an example of how to do something that seems so counterintuitive: dying to ourselves and taking up our cross. We have a perfect example of skin in the game—Jesus dying on the cross, not for his sins but for my sins and for yours.
Personal Reflection
In what way do you have “skin in the game”? Do you accept that Jesus died for you and wants to have a relationship with you? What are some things you need to let go, count as mere rubbish, so you can fully pursue Christ? How can you sacrifice in service and dedication to the Lord as a spiritual act of worship?
Posted in UR Devotionals
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