Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Putting In the Work


READ: Hebrews 12:1-2, Matthew 26:36-39

My grandfather was the epitome of a hard worker. I am sure we all have examples of someone who works hard, is committed to the process, and eventually becomes a master at their craft. It may be the daily grind of putting in the time at a job or training for a marathon or Iron Man. Each is an excellent example of dedication. One hallmark of any hard worker is a willingness to review the process to see how the job can be done more efficiently. Suppose we want to emulate this hard work in our lives. In that case, we must eliminate obstacles that slow the work and acknowledge our limitations and struggles.

Training and preparing for a race obviously take a lot of hard work. The athlete must study the racecourse, accept the inevitable pain that will be endured, and commit to preparing for completing the race. While I don’t think I’ll ever become an Iron Man, maybe I will have the privilege of becoming a grandparent one day. In that role, I pray my family will look to me as an example of a dedicated servant of God, joyfully committed to the process, enduring the suffering of this world, and willing to acknowledge my own limitations and sinful struggles to further the Lord’s kingdom. Unfortunately, I am not that man today. I still have training and preparation to do for the race. Fortunately, I have time to follow the example of Christ, finding joy in the pain so that I may pass that wisdom down to the generations that follow.

The author of the letter to the Hebrews challenges his readers to imitate Christ in their faithfulness and to endure suffering through God’s discipline and preparation. They would have understood the analogy of removing anything that may slow them down during a race. In the same way, we must remove anything that may hinder our relationship and growth in Christ. We must prepare spiritually by reading scripture, continuously praying, and living in a Christian community. Then, we can execute the mission of taking grace to our world by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. While we run the race, we must keep our eyes on the finish line--the ultimate goal of eternal life with Christ in heaven. We can focus on God, especially during the pain of trials.

Thankfully, Jesus is our perfect example of hard work and relying on God for strength to endure the hardships of this world as we pursue His righteousness. We can look to Him as we remain dedicated to the race, casting off our sins and seeking the Lord through relationship, prayer, and community.

Personal Reflection

How are you putting in the work to further God’s kingdom? What is an obstacle or sin struggle that you need to confess?
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1 Comment

Lillee Melton - September 12th, 2024 at 8:41am

An obstacle in my life is when I enter the gym where I practice basketball, I’m the only girl and I think I’m the worst one there. But I keep going, because I want to get better.